School Uniform

All children at Moreton Say CE Primary School are expected to wear our school uniform. We are very proud of our school and are often complimented on our good behaviour and smartness when out on educational visits. Our uniform helps give us a sense of belonging to the Moreton Say learning community.

Items displaying the school logo are available to order online from :

We have a small supply of sweatshirts, polo shirts, sweatscardis and tee-shirts in the school office if you would like to try them on for size. It is worth noting that the items are not over-generously sized, so you may like to consider ordering a larger size. Other items are readily available from the usual high street children’s clothing outlets and supermarkets.

Please name the clothes your child wears to school and check regularly that your labelling hasn’t faded.

School cannot be held responsible for any personal items lost or damaged on school premises. We will, however, endeavour to prevent loss or accidents occurring.

Children should not wear jewellery to school; it may get lost and we cannot accept responsibility, but more importantly, it can be potentially dangerous when children are playing and taking part in PE.

Make-up, including nail polish, is not acceptable in school. Hair should be neat and tidy. Long hair should be tied back. Extreme hairstyles and hair carving are not appropriate.

School uniform may be varied for health reasons or on religious grounds in consultation with the headteacher.


The school dress code is as follows:

Daily Wear:

Navy sweatshirt or sweat cardi (School Logo)

Navy or white polo shirt (School Logo)

Black or grey trousers or skirt

Black or grey shorts

Grey pinafore dress

Blue gingham dress (summer)

Plain blue, grey or black hat - Legionnaire’s style recommended for sun protection (summer)

Appropriate footwear: plain black, grey, navy – no high heels

Coat for colder weather - any colour

PE Kit:

Blue shorts

PE tee-shirt in house colour (School Logo)

Trainers or pumps


Forest School Kit:

Old clothes/clothes you don’t mind getting muddy!!

Long sleeved tee-shirt or jumper to protect from nettles/brambles

Long trousers

Waterproof coveralls

Wellies or old shoes


Other accessories (without our logo) are available on the School Trends website including: book bags, PE bags, caps.

If you require further assistance, please telephone or call in at the school office where Mrs Mitchell or Mrs Hughes will be happy to help.