Statment of intent
Our teachers of History across the AddMore Federation are passionate about History and our learners curious; keen to learn about events of the past from both our locality and of those from the wider world. We are proud to offer our children a rich and engaging history curriculum which provides a basis for cross-curricular learning in the classroom. Igniting our children’s enthusiasm and curiosity is our priority in the first instance closely pursued by the importance as practitioners in ensuring we create opportunities in learning for our pupils to develop a secure understanding and awareness of chronology and the passing of time. We want the children to understand local, national and world events from the past which have had an impact on their lives. We do this by teaching topics carefully chosen from The New National Curriculum.
Our children are encouraged to understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance. During their time as pupils at AddMore, pupils will gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts, understanding the connections between local, regional, national and international history; between cultural, economic, military, political, religious and social history; and between short- and long-term timescales.
We take every opportunity to extend our children’s experiences by providing a first-hand look at history through visits and visitors, using artefacts whenever possible, ample opportunities to explore and question a range of primary and secondary historical and geographical sources and develop the skills of organisation, communication and representation. Here at the AddMore Federation, we believe that through our interactive and meaningful approach to history, our children will not only develop their knowledge of history but their love of the subject too!
Miss Sian Jones – Humanities subject lead
Our History Curriculum, coverage of the National Curriculum, skills and knowledge, and detailed progression document outling the steps in learning our pupils make to build their knowledge and skills in History are detailed in the downloadable document listed at the bottom of this page.