We welcome visitors any time. If you’re thinking of joining us do call us and make an appointment for a personal tour. Come and see us in action!
Moreton Say CE Primary School provides primary education for pupils from Moreton Say, Ightfield, Calverhall and the surrounding area. See the catchment map for detailed information. We have children who attend our school who also live out of the catchment area in Market Drayton Town and other outlying villages.
The school’s current Admissions Policy is operated by the Shropshire Local Authority (LA), which is the admissions authority for all community and controlled schools in Shropshire. Full details of the policy, together with arrangements for admissions can be found at www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. See our school Admissions Policy on our Policies and Procedures page.
Parents are advised to read the Parents Guide to Education in Shropshire, which can be found at http://www.shropshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/parents-guide-to-education/
Any specific requests for information on admissions should be directed to the Admissions Team on
Tel: 0345 678 9008 or E-mail: schooladmissions@shropshire.gov.uk