School Sport and PE Grant

The documents below explain how the school spends the ‘School Sport and PE Grant’ and the impact that it has.

The purpose of the sports premium, also known as the PE and School Sports (PESS) Grant, is for schools to ‘make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of their physical education (PE), physical activity and sport’. Schools have been given the freedom to choose how they spend this grant with the aim of:

•    developing or add to the PE, physical activity and sport that we provide;
•   building capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.

Schools have been asked to focus spending on securing improvements in the following 5 key indicators:

•    Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity;
•    Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement;
•    Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport;
•    Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils;
•    Increased participation in competitive sport.

Our Offer

At Moreton Say CE Primary we are committed to ensuring our children understand the importance of being active, having a healthy lifestyle and enjoying sports and games activities. We place the highest importance on personal health and well-being and recognise the significant contribution PE makes.

Research has shown that doing physical activity has a positive impact on concentration as well as physical and mental well-being.

In addition to weekly PE lessons, children in our school take part in a number of other physical activities. We are a Daily Mile school’; we used a grant funded through ‘Sugar Tax’ funding to mark a Daily Mile track around our playground. All children run for 15 minutes a day as part of this programme. We also encourage active playtimes, funding equipment for playtimes through the sports grantand a commitment to Active Learning. 

Our Early Years children have activities planned for the outdoors as well as indoors each day, making good use of our dedicated Early Years play area. Our Early Years and Key Stage 1 children also have weekly Forest School sessions, making the most of both our on-site facilities and also of those at our sister site Adderley CE Primary School, which features an extensive forest. Our Sports Grant is used regularly to further enhance this provision, including the cost of the coach hire to transport our Reception and Year 1 pupils to Adderley Forest School Each Week.

All children at Moreton Say CE Primary School have swimming lessons for a term each year. In 2022 75%  of our Y6 children were able to swim 25 metres confidently by the time they left us.

We have static exercise equipment on the playground and a trim trail on the field as well as a shed full of PE equipment part funded through the Sports Grant to help our children to be as active as possible throught the school day.

A significant amount of our grant goes into being part of a wider school partnership so that our children can participate in inter-school competitions and activities. The impact of participating in wider sports opportunities cannot be underestimated. As well developing their PE skills, children also develop their social skills: getting on with others from different schools; meeting new people; learning to listen to instructions from different adults. Such activities help prepare them for the next stage in their education, where they may be in a larger setting and help build their confidence and self-esteem. Although we are a small school, through the local sports partnership our children have access to a wide range of sporting opportunities.

Use of the Sports Grant

Please see below for details of our PESS spends and our plans for the coming year and the impact of previous years’ spending.