A Typical School Day…
7.45 am Before school childcare provision is available.
8:45 am Registration (arrival after this time is marked a late)
9.00 am Nursery opens to welcome children.
9:00 am Learning Session 1
10:00 am Learning Session 2
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Learning Session 3
12.00 – 1.00 pm Lunch
1:05 pm Registration
1:05 pm Learning Session 4
2:05 pm Learning Session 5
3:00 pm End of the day for Nursery – Wraparound care available for Nursery
3:15 pm End of the day for Years R-6; After-School Clubs begin; Wraparound Care available for all ages
4:15 pm End of After-School Clubs; Wraparound Care still available
6:00pm Wraparound Care closes