Our vision reminds us that leading by example and demonstrating those values we hold close is powerful and engenders a sense community and advocacy for all. This is a big vision which firmly sets the emotional, social, spiritual and academic growth of our pupils at the heart of everything that we do. This alongside our six Christian Values are at the heart of how we plan and deliver our Collective Worship. Worship takes place at the end of each day, usually in the hall.
We understand spirituality to mean that children develop a sense of themselves, others, beauty and the beyond. Our worship is Christian in nature, in accordance with our status as a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school, but is inclusive and invitational – no one is forced to pray. Collective Worship gives pupils and staff opportunities for reflection and prayer and reaffirmation about how our Christian values are rooted in the teachings of the Bible.
Worship also provide an opportunity for us to share and celebrate our achievements. We hold a weekly celebration worship, where good behaviour and good learning are celebrated and our values and those who are demonstrating them in their day to day life recognised. During the year Classes and our Worship Council also lead worhsip in school and in the church. These include: Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Easter and end of year services. Parents are invited to attend these events. We also invite visitors to our worship, some of whom may lead the worship. Past visitors have included representatives from, for example: the NSPCC, Road Safety Awareness, police, school nurse, Diocesan Adviser.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship if they so wish. This must be done by contacting the headteacher in the first instance.
Our Collective Worship Policy can be found on the ‘Policies and Procedures’ page.
Our Christian Values can be found on our Vision, Values and Ethos’ page.
Miss K. Archer – Worship Lead